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                         Welcome to Magen David

About Our Synagogue

Welcome to Magen David Sephardic Congregation, a warm and welcoming synagogue that has been serving our community for over 65 years. We offer daily prayer services and weekly classes to enrich your spiritual journey. On Shabbat, we host a Children's Program and provide a beautiful kiddush at the end of services.

Conveniently located in the Bathurst and Sheppard area, our congregation proudly consists of over 150 families and continues to grow. If you are interested in joining us, please contact us at or the Rabbi directly at

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

About Rabbi Messod Azoulay

Born and raised in Toronto, Rabbi Messod Azoulay graduated from Ohr Haemet, Toronto's only Sephardic School, & Ner Israel Yeshiva. From there he spent 9 years in Jerusalem where he studied in Yeshiva & Kollel. He received Semicha from Haham Amram Assayag and from Rabbi Yitzchak Kaufman - Rosh Kollel and Posek in Ramot, Jerusalem. He is also qualified in Marot Niddah, Hashgacha Training, Torat Hamishpacha & Chatan Teacher Training.

Rabbi Azoulay, his wife Rachel, and their six children have been with us since 2016 and Baruch Hashem it's been a great match! Learning, events, and programs have been developed and implemented, and they're always looking to do more! Rabbi and Rebbetzin Azoulay have worked extremely hard in cultivating and maintaining relationships, and they've been very successful!

In addition, since joining MD, Rabbi Azoulay has been recognized as one of the young Rabbis of our city and is part of the Toronto Bet Din for conversions, the Rabbinical Vaad HaKashrut for the COR, and is part of the Sephardic Chevra Kaddisha. 

Pop in to MD once, meet the Rabbi, Rebbetzin, and our great congregation, and you'll come back for more!


To stay informed about our weekly classes, ask Rabbi Azoulay to join the MD WhatsApp group!

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785